Our Location
Pakistan BranchMirpur – Kotli RD, Opposite Govt. Girls High School Colony Chakswari, Mirpur District, AJK Pakistan
+923219796302 - Ali Ibn Khalid
+923215077555 - Ali Ibn Khalid
[email protected]
Our Location
UK BranchWillow House, 107 All Alone Road, Bradford, BD10 8TR
+44 7802 425859 - Dr Tariq Shah
+44 7710 672432 - Dr Tasleem Shah
[email protected]
Help Us Achieve Our MissionHealthcare needs in Kashmir
You can help us tackle this challenge one day at a time by contributing to our campaigns
Make A Donation
We Never Close: Our services are open 24 hours a day 365 days of the year and are available to all without any discrimination of any sort.
Our organization is focused on lending support to the healthcare needs of the underserved population, irrespective of caste, religion, beliefs, color, ethnicity or geographic location.
We serve humanity by providing Medicines, Health care and emergency relief to communities and people in the remote rural areas who have no access or very difficult access to health care, they may have arduous journeys to the nearest medical facility to even get basic healthcare.
Our initiatives are targeted towards providing medical help to deserving communities around the world where ever it may be. Our current operation is in Kashmir in keeping with the needs of the people there.
Who We Are
Health Care 4 All was established in 2014 as an international charity organisation (UK Registered Charity Number 1158474). From 31.01.2020 Health Care 4 All International is operating as a Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO), new Charity Number 1187677.
We provide healthcare to rural and remote communities in developing countries through community based treatment and diagnostic centres plus a novel hybrid system of telemedicine. The service is free to all poor and deserving patients that includes consultations, investigations, medical and transfers. Currently we are working in villages of Chakswari in Mirpur district of Kashmir, Pakistan.
Help Us Achieve Our Mission
Healthcare 4 all, with the support from generous donors work to facilitate these patients, aid their treatment, cater to their needs and grant them access to quality healthcare, free of cost.
We articulate opportunities, build capacity of community organizations / targeted groups, mobilize resources and implement for sustainable and self-reliant development with active community participation.
As a pillar of Islam, we believe Zakat is an important and powerful way to give back to the community. Rest assured, we use your zakat donations accurately and appropriately.

Our aim is to provide health care to remote rural communities worldwide, in particular developing countries that have very limited to no access to health care. Particular emphasis will be placed on maternal and child health as well as preventative medicine.
In many parts of the world, people have to make a long and arduous journey to the nearest medical facility to even get basic healthcare.
Health Care 4 All International provides medical and nursing care for these communities, from a Community Health and Telemedicine Centre through the use of community medical assistance, doctors and nurses aided by a Novel Hybrid System of Telemedicine (NHST) technology.
Community health workers (carrying routine use medicines, first aid kits, emergency drugs and a laptop/tablet computer) travel to the patient in a specially modified ambulance and provide care in the patient's home with advice from the doctors.
The patient (aided by the community medical assistance) talks to the doctor in the local health clinic, local hospital or the specialist hospital via telemedicine technology.
The patient’s condition, and clinical observations are transmitted to the doctor by the community health workers through telemedicine and recording apps.
The patient’s medical details are available to the doctor and community health worker via an app on their hand held tablet and a remote Electronic Medical Records Database.
Patients who need escalated treatment are transferred to our treatment centre or to secondary care hospitals as required in the same ambulance that the community health workers use to attend the call.
We also have community health and telemedicine monitoring and walk in treatment centres. These centres are fully staffed with doctors and nurses, equipped with a diagnostic laboratory, pharmacy, minor operating room and day care beds.
These facilities are available round the clock 365 days a year. All treatments we provide including investigations, medicines and transfers are free to all deserving patients.
When I was ill we could not afford to buy medicine, Healthcare 4 All International doctors treated me for free .
Thank you for taking care of my mummy when she was pregnant and my brother who was very poorly when he was born
Thank you so much for all the care and love Healthcare 4 all has shown for me. I am so pleased with surgery results. You guys are doing a great job. I pray to Allah daily for your huge success.
I am very pleased with the results and I am enjoying the confidence that came after the surgery. You have changed my life. I am forever grateful to Healthcare 4 alll May you be blessed with more success always.

Dr Quddus
Congratulations to Dr Quddus, HC4AI team, staff and CCC. Such appreciation letter is very encouraging and shows the spirit of organisation
Health Care 4 All is an organization of Health Care Professionals and their supporters with these goals:
To improve health and wellness of populations with limited access to quality healthcare in regions with underdeveloped healthcare infrastructure like Jammu and Kashmir and any other areas in need
To improve medical education and promote research in the healthcare sector to help with the healthcare infrastructure deficiencies, anywhere such as Kashmir.
To promote professional networking and collaboration among healthcare professionals and actively engage with other medical societies and organizations with similar objectives.