How to make a donation:


1 One off or regular donation through standing order.

Standing order can be made through your bank to our account with details as in number 2 below

Once you have made the donation, please send your (full name, postal address, email and contact telephone number) & donation amount via email: [email protected] or message SMS/WhatsApp on 00 44 7802 425859 or 00 44 7710 672432


2 Directly online into our HSBC charity Account;

                    Account Type : Business Account

                    A/C name : Health Care 4 all International.

                    Sort code  : 40-13-15     A/C number : 84572882

                    Swift : MIDLGB22         IBAN : B56MIDL4013158457882


3 Through our Website: using the ‘MAKE A DONATION’ button.


4 By Cheque  to ‘Health Care 4 All international’ and post to:

                   Willow House, 107 All Alone Road, Bradford, BD10 8TR, UK


5 Cash can be deposited directly into our charity account (details as above)

                  or contact either:  Dr Tariq Shah on 0044 7802 425859, or

                 Dr (Mrs) Tasneem Tariq on 00 44 7710 672432





IF you are a UK Tax payer please mark your donation as gift aid eligible. That helps the charity as a HMRC will pay our  charity 25% in addition to your donation.










Finally, on behalf of the beneficiaries and trustees of HC4AI we would like to thank you all for your continued support and pray to Allah swt to reward you for your generosity both in this world and in the hereafter. Ameen
Dr Tariq Shah